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Museum Penataran

   Upgrading museum located on Upgrading Road No 11, Blitar, zip code 66181, East Java is a general museum. The museum is organized governments. The museum is enabled on March 2, 1984 (the old SK). Basic stance is No.. 38 of 1984 on the Establishment Archaeological Museum Complex Pendopo District of Blitar (SK old). The building is on an area of ​​4154 m2 with details of public buildings measuring 441 m2 and 188 m2 area nonpublic. From the beginning of the construction of this building was used as a museum that consists of only one floor. Status of land ownership is a Government-owned land title rights to wear no. 3 Pem. Kab Blitar. Every visitor can enter this free kemuseum. The museum has a collection of 253.

Some Collections:
Andesite stone
Bricks & Cikar
Porcelain / Ceramic
Art Tool Jeblung
Know Making Tool
Dimples & Pakinangan
Tile Making Tool
Coconut Sugar Making Tool
Tool Making Sugar Cane

Tebeng's Spear
Tangkah plow

Human statues not BCB
Public Facilities:
information space
Permanent exhibition space
A direction (sinage)

Museum Facilities:
Administrative space (offices)
Collection storage space

Opening Times:
Monday: Holidays
Tuesday-Thursday: 14:00 At 08.00 s.d
Friday: At 08.00 s.d 11:00
Saturday: At 08.00 s.d 14:00
Sundays: At 08.00 s.d 14:00


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