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Page C Penataran Temple

Go into page A, which previously went down the steps to begin with, the visitors were greeted by two statues guard the door (Dwaraphala) which dates to the year 1242 Saka or 1320 AD sculpted the statue, called Reco local community clubs. Based on the number of years that there are carvings on both the statue pedestal, scholars conclude that the temple buildings Palah (real name Candi Penataran) inaugurated a new state (state temple) during his reign King Jayanegara of Majapahit, although still a freelance dharma. East two aca there are remnants of the gate made ​​of red brick.

dwarapala candi penataran
image: Dwarapala Candi Penataran

a. Bale Agung
Through the former gate, came to the forefront of the temple Pantaran, Bale Agung. The building site is located in the northwest part of page A, position slightly jutted forward. The building made ​​entirely of stone, didingnya still innocent and had four ladders, two located on the southeast side, so that this building impressed facing southeast. While the other two located on the northeast side and southwest impressed as the stairs to the door samping.Pada Diding north and south there are two steps of the east side of the wall that divides into three parts. Bale Agung Surroundings ridden body building by the dragon. Dragon head sticking out on the right and left of the building. Each statue guards the stairs going up there in the form of statues of Mahakala. Bale Agung building measuring 37 meters long, 18.84 meters wide and 1.44 meters high. At the top there is the court that each corner-stone base was extolled as a fulcrum estimated wooden poles used for the roof of the building. Building function by NJ Krom Bale Agung in Bali as well be used for a discussion of the priests or pendanda.

b. Pendopo Terrace
Building site is located in the southeast of the building Bale Agung. The verandah terrace consists entirely of stone, rectangular with a size 29.05 mx 9.22 mx 1.5 m. Estimated verandah patio is used as a place to put offerings in religious ceremonies or order of the king and other nobles. On the west side there are two stairs up in the form of the steps, the steps are not continuing the eastern wall. In each corner of the stairs go to the left and right cheek stairs are small statues of winged giant with legs bent at the knee of his legs and one hand holding a mace. Cheek shaped stair parts ukel tumpal beautiful large ornate.

relief sri tanjung
image: Relief Tanjung Candi Penataran

Building verandah patio framed in 1297 Saka or 1375 AD. The location of this year's sculpture is rather difficult to find due to mingle with ornaments in the form of vine leaves, located at the top of the seam side of the east wall. As the Bale Agung, patio verandah patio also wrapped a snake whose tail mutual berbelitan, his head sticking up between the pillars of the building. Head a little snake looked up, wearing necklace and tasseled. On the wall there is a patio verandah reliefs that tell the story of the Bubuksah-handle aking known in folklore Sheikh Sheikh Bela-speckle and Dami aking, the Setyawan and Sri Tanjung. The story goes like this, Bhuksa a creature described as a large man, like eat anything, sincere and never sleep. While the handle aking, emaciated, like fasting and also likes to sleep. One day Lord Shiva turns into a white tiger in order to test the two men. Response from aking handle "my skinny guy, but I do not eat my friends ate it" while Bhuksa "please eat me alone". In Bhuksa pass the exam and she then goes to heaven. Lessons to be learned from the story of the man must be sincere in this life.

c. Temple Figures Year
Figures Year temple framed in 1291 Saka or 1369 AD. East Java community get to know the temple which is the mascot of the temple UB Upgrading and is also used as a symbol kodam V UB. Sometimes there is also a call for Ganesha temple in the temple chamber there is a statue of Ganesha. Locations temple located in the southeast of the building the pavilion terrace within about 20 meters. The entrance to the temple is located at the western end on the cheek ladder ukel great shape with decoration tumpal flowers in the form of an isosceles triangle arrangement. The interior of the temple there is a niche of a stone statue of Ganesha in a sitting position on the Padmasana. At the top of the stone temple room closing the lid there is a relief "Surya Majapahit" the circle surrounded by rays in the form of straight lines in the arrangement of several pieces of an isosceles triangle. Relief Surya Majapahit also found in several other temples in East Java is in a slightly different variations as a sign of royal stamp.

candi angka tahun
image: Candi Angka Tahun

Figures Year temple like most other temple buildings, consists of parts called the foot of the temple which is the lower part of the temple, and the temple, there is a booth or room temple (gerbagerha) and then crown a cube-shaped building. On the crown there is a festive decoration and on each wall of the temple there are alcoves or niches that form pseudo door at the top there is the head of the creature that looks scary. Head of the creature is called the head of the East Java when often called Banaspati which means king of the jungle or also can be called a lion or tiger. Placement on the head when the temple niches intended to scare evil spirits that dare not enter complex enshrinement. Meanwhile, at around the building there are the remains of a brick wall who live bottom with the entrance on the northwest side. The buildings on the first page is made entirely of andesite stone. Except for two bricks laid out the foundation of the rectangle, located in the northeast of the temple figures this year. On the left temple are statues of female figures in Rajapatni.


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