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History Of The Temple  Ringinanyar Village

how the story …  RINGIN ANYAR temple ??. the original story  ??.activity is ever undertaken temple ??.and are named ringinanyar temple ??
do you curious ?..

occey....This blog will answer questions on the following.....
                        In days of yore, namely his age mbahe.. mbahe.. mbahe.. mbahe.. mbahe.. mbahe.. mbahe.. mbah guys..  .This is a royal temple / temple façade that supposedly caused by eruption kelud drowning, drowning is the temple in question is on the cover of the vast sand dunes of the eruption of the volcano BUT ALSO Some call this temple history began with a pile of clay bricks are very high, and the size of the blocks is 3x bigger than the pile of bricks sekarang.dan then the time it occurred the burning of bricks, concrete blocks arrived * shake and a collapse .. a few years later in tumbuhi trees * large as it is today. So you do not know just how old the tree * sii big temple??? many of course. many year for sure.

This is who I have heard from b ome sources I interviewed yesterday, verry DISPUTE  ... ya .. , puzzled certainly true that where?, | what else I: D..??. HERE I could find on the origin of the temple in the village ringin Ponggok-new-sub-rt Blitar: 02 rw: 02. Her fit right behind my house: D..
things I regret in this news search is .. the story of every person is different, and people who understand the history of this temple <juru kunci> had died .. blong years ago. So please understand really for all the readers may be less detailed above. Time, events etc..
next ..., the 2005 first right at the east front of the temple there were bamboo treesluxuriant.agak slightly mystical .. where in that there is paranormal nature kedua.di open area .. apparently after it was done .. that place is a great tooko / mall spirits .. where the owner called Ny.  Gadung Mlati store owner who has the responsibility .. and not "all employees and also include Ny. Gadung Mlati Wearing green uniforms. And that all citizens ringin new society dare not wear green clothes, especially when passing the area, because they can go crazy (lost) and a follower in tooko great spirits. (So dangerous) ..
Mrs. Gadung Mlati that have pets white tiger .. just call my grandmother miratun, at 9:30 pm in the rear of the house he saw a white shadow which runs from the north to the south, the shadow of a calf. And white light. My grandmother at the time to be silent as <po0p> .. breathing stops., But over time these shadows fade and disappear. And my grandmother was immediately unplug .. from where,, alias lari ke rumah <lawong wedi ogG,,YO MBLayu  (java language) > grandmother told me ..

That's not it guys .. its .. mystical events, such as events 3th ago call it mr tarmen. mr  tarmen a resident of the neighboring village who wanted to build the house right behind the temple. Because one big tree house candidates that inhibit development. So he decided to cut it down.have sufficient not be more than 5 incisions ax .. mr  tarmen suddenly startled. when he saw the trees to be felled are animal tiger that runs down from the top of the tree. Mr. tarmen then stopped and ran ran * .. the next day trying to pack tarmen his deeds again, but using a different tool. mr tarmen using graji machine. Around 15.00 hours he started the engine and rushed to cut trees, al results arrived * engine was broken and haunted mr tarmen human figure large man, smua black limbs, as if the person is angry with Mr. tarmen, as it continues to try to cut the existing trees on the temple.
The next day Mr. tarmen small ritual held at the temple to apologize to guard the temple. And canceled a plan to build a house in the south of the temple. * Strange things are scaring the villagers to cut down trees, and damaging parts of the temple.

2 years later my aunt  make sapiteng behind the house, having dug eh .. the dabster kept complaining .. because high up 2m, the pobud nemuin large brick temple .. rich "so, and his strange, intact tablets, but some wrote that destroyed .. that is still a question mark for all of them??

In addition to many other mystical stories ... ringinanyar  temple is also commonly used clean village feast, giving sadjen on jum at kliwon, kind pesanggraan, etc..
So not infrequently also fitting I still sD first, maen to the temple,, i find a coins, eggs, rose, in a reply takir put under the tree in the main temple.
Not least also some people who asked if there were a General fire safety, around the temple. In order to ask for permission and they were only asking for a smooth event that has been in the title. Actually guys ... it may not loh,, idolatrous was the name we just turn to GOD Almighty trust / prayed npada things "sacred and such a great sin, and it was so hated by GOD Almighty in
Since we are in this world and the supernatural realm has two real,,, we just trust and mutual respect for the presence of other beings around us. The important thing is we are not alone and tetep be polite, and always pray in the shadow of GOD Almighty God willing .only we'll be  good " guys .. survivors of human disorders as well as demons.
Well .... So a little review of history TEMPLE ringin Friday I made, hopefully useful, and makes good science for the reader. Above about her, and maybe writing errors. We are in understandable .. : D


indonesia language :

GIMANA SIHH…sejarah nya..CANDI RINGIN ANYAR itu ??. asal mula candi ??.kegiatan apa aja yang pernah di lakukan di candi ??.dan kenapa di beri nama candi ??.. hayoo
Pada penasaran kan ?..
Nah…sekarang blo0g ini akan menjawab pertanyaan* yang di atas berikut..
                        Pada zaman dahulu kala.,yaitu zaman nya mbahe.. mbahe.. mbahe.. mbahe.. mbahe.. mbahe.. mbahe.. mbahe.. mbahku rek..  .candi ini merupakan sebuah kerajaan / bangunan berupa candi yang konon tenggelam akibat letusan gunung kelud, yang dimaksud tenggelam adalah candi ini di tutupi oleh gundukan pasir yang amat banyak dari letusan gunung tersebut TAPI ADA YANG MENYEBUTNYA JUGA sejarah candi ini bermula tumpukan batako tanah liat yang sangat tinggi, dan ukuran batako itu 3x lebih besar dari pada tumpukan batako sekarang.dan kemudian Pada saat pembakaran batako tersebut berlansung, tiba* batako goyang dan menjadi runtuh..beberapa tahun kemudian di tumbuhi pohon* besar seperti sekarang ini. Jadi kamu tau gak berapa coba umur sii pohon* besar candi tersebut ??? banyak tentu. Beratuss  tahun pastinya.
Lah ini lah yang saya dengar dari  b eberapa narasumber yang saya wawancarai kemaren, SENGKETA BANGEET… ya.. ,bingung pasti yang benar itu yang mana ?, | apa lagi aku :D..??. INILAH yang dapat saya temukan tentang asal mula candi di desa ringin anyar- kecamatan ponggok-kabupaten blitar-rt :02 rw : 02. Pas nya tepat di belakang rumah saya :D..
hal yang saya sayangkan dalam pencarian berita ini adalah..cerita dari setiap orang selalu berbeda,dan orang yang mengerti sejarah candi ini <juru kunci> sudah meninggal dunia.. bebera tahun yang lalu. Jadi harap maklum banget bagi semua pembaca mungkin kurang detail atas. Waktu,  kejadian dll.
Lanjuut…,tahun 2005 dulu tepat pada bagian depan candi sebelah timur terdapat pohon bamboo yang lebat.agak sedikit mistis ini..dimana pada tahun itu terdapat paranormal yang membuka alam kedua.di daerah tersebut..ternyata setelah hal tersebut dilakukan..tempat itu adalah tooko besar / mall mahluk halus..dimana pemiliknya bernama Ny. Gadung Mlati   Beliau pemilik sekaligus yang mempunyai took0 tersebut..dan gak tanggung” semua pegawai dan juga termasuk Ny. Gadung Mlati    Memakai seragam berwarna hijau. Dan hal itulah semua warga masayarakat ringin anyar tidak berani memakai baju hijau,apalagi pada saat lewat daerah itu, karena bisa kalap (hilang) dan menjadi pengikut di tooko besar mahluk halus. ( so dangerous)..
Ny Gadung Mlati   itu mempunyai binatang peliharaan macan putih.. sebut saja nenek ku miratun, pada saat di belakang rumah pukul 09.30 dia melihat bayangan putih yang berjalan dari arah utara ke arah selatan, bayangan tersebut sebesar anak sapi. Dan berwarna putih terang. Nenek ku yang pada saat itu <po0p>..menjadi diam seolah nafas berhenti.,tapi lama kelamaan bayangan tersebut semakin memudar dan hilang. Dan nenek ku pun langsung cabut..dari  tempat,,alias lari ke rumah <lawong wedi ogG,,YO MBLayu> ujar nenek ku..
Gak Cuma itu aja loh guys..kejadian mistis nya.., seperti kejadian 3th yang lalu sebut saja pak tarmen. Pak tarmen adalah penduduk dari desa sebelah yang ingin mendirikan rumah tepat di belakang candi tersebut. Karena 1 pohon besar menghambat pembangunan calon rumahnya itu. Maka dia memutuskan untuk  menebangnya. Gak sempet dapat lebih dari 5 sayatan kapak ..pak tarmen sontak terkejut . ketika dia melihat pohon yang akan ditebang terdapat hewan macan yang berjalan turun dari atas pohon itu . pak tarmen kemudian berhenti dan lari terbirit* esokan harinya pak tarmen mencoba perbuatan nya lagi, tapi dengan menggunakan alat yang berbeda. Pak tarmen menggunakan graji mesin. Sekitar jam 15.00 dia menyalakan mesin dan bergegas memotong pohon tersebut, al hasil tiba* mesin itu patah   dan pak tarmen dihantui sosok manusia yang berbadan besar,smua anggota badan berwarna hitam, seolah orang tersebut marah kepada pak tarmen, karena terus berusaha memotong pohon yang ada pada candi tersebut.
Keesokan harinya pak tarmen mengadakan ritual kecil pada candi tersebut untuk meminta maaf  kepada penjaga candi. Dan membatalkan niatnya untuk membangun rumah di selatan candi. Kejadian aneh* tersebut membuat takut para warga desa untuk menebang pohon, maupun merusak bagian candi.
2 tahun kemudian budheku membuat sapiteng di belakang rumah, setelah di gali eh..sii penggalinya ngeluh terus..karena nyampek tinggin 2m itu, slalu nemuin batu bata besar..kaya candi" gitu, dan aneh nya, masih utuh loh, cuma beberapa aja yang hancur..itulah yang masih menjadi tanda tanya buat semua nya ??
Selain banyak kisah mistis lainnya…candi ringin anyar ini juga biasa digunakan kenduri bersih desa, pemberian sajen pada jum at kliwon, sejenis pesanggraan, dll.
Jadi gak jarang juga pas aku masih sD dulu, maen ke candi,, nemu uang koin, telur, bunga mawar,kenanga di sebuah takir yg di letakan di bawah pohon utama pada candi tersebut.
Gak sedikit juga sebagian orang yang minta keslamatan jika ada acara, di sekitar candi. Guna mereka hanya meminta izin dan meminta untuk kelancaran acara yang telah di gelar. Sebenarnya guys… hal itu gak boleh loh,,musrik itu namanya kita cukup meminta pertolongan kepada ALLAH S.W.T mempercayai/ pun berdoa npada benda” keramat dan semacamnya merupakan dosa besar, dan itu sangat di benci oleh ALLAH S.W.T.
Berhubung kita di dunia ini mempunyai 2 alam ghaib dan nyata,,,kita cukup mempercayai dan saling menghormati atas kehadiran mahluk lain di sekitar kita. Yang penting kita gak ganggu dan tetep bersikap sopan , serta teetep berdoa dalam lindungan ALLAH S.W.T insyaallah..kita bakal baik” aja kok guys.. selamat dari gangguan manusia maupun setan.
Nah…. Demikianlah sedikit ulasan sejarah CANDI RINGIN ANYAR yang saya buat, semoga bermanfaat, dan menjadikan ilmu yang baik bagi pembaca. Atas kurang lebih nya, dan mungkin kesalahan penulisan. Mohon di maklumi.. :D

side of the temple image :

front of the temple image :

 behind the temple image :

picture shrine :

picture feast for peoplle:

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Museum Penataran

   Upgrading museum located on Upgrading Road No 11, Blitar, zip code 66181, East Java is a general museum. The museum is organized governments. The museum is enabled on March 2, 1984 (the old SK). Basic stance is No.. 38 of 1984 on the Establishment Archaeological Museum Complex Pendopo District of Blitar (SK old). The building is on an area of ​​4154 m2 with details of public buildings measuring 441 m2 and 188 m2 area nonpublic. From the beginning of the construction of this building was used as a museum that consists of only one floor. Status of land ownership is a Government-owned land title rights to wear no. 3 Pem. Kab Blitar. Every visitor can enter this free kemuseum. The museum has a collection of 253.

Some Collections:
Andesite stone
Bricks & Cikar
Porcelain / Ceramic
Art Tool Jeblung
Know Making Tool
Dimples & Pakinangan
Tile Making Tool
Coconut Sugar Making Tool
Tool Making Sugar Cane

Tebeng's Spear
Tangkah plow

Human statues not BCB
Public Facilities:
information space
Permanent exhibition space
A direction (sinage)

Museum Facilities:
Administrative space (offices)
Collection storage space

Opening Times:
Monday: Holidays
Tuesday-Thursday: 14:00 At 08.00 s.d
Friday: At 08.00 s.d 11:00
Saturday: At 08.00 s.d 14:00
Sundays: At 08.00 s.d 14:00

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Parts of the temple Upgrading

According to records, the building occupies Upgrading temple land area 12,946 m2 lined from northwest to east and then continues to the southeast. The entire complex enshrinement page except the southeastern part is divided into three sections, separated by two walls. To more easily understand kompek Penataran temple, the parts of the temple Upgrading called page A, page B and page C. Upgrading temple complex arrangement of a very unique and harmonious look is a portrait of the making of the temple is not in one period. Upgrading temple built by the two warring dynasties, from dynasty to dynasty Rajasa Isyana switch. Here are the parts of the temple Upgrading: 1. Page A temple Penataran2. Page B Penataran temple.3. Page C Temple Penataran

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Page C Penataran Temple

Passing through the gate that just stayed Paduraksa foundation and two dwaraphala, reached the third page is located at the southeastern tip of the rear part of the temple complex and is located on a higher ground than the others. Because of the assumption that the site is the most sacred. There are about 9 pieces of the former building that is located on this page is irregular. Two temples were already recognizable is the main temple building and the inscription form linggapala Palah. Along the northwest side there are five pieces form the rest of the building foundation and remains of stone or brick. One daiantaranya a shelf contained story temple reliefs. Height of about one meter.

On page C there are buildings of the main temple consists of three terraces with a height of 7.19 meters composed. On each side of the stairs, there are two statues of Mahakala, which contained lapiknya figures for 1269 Saka or 1347 AD Sekelling walls of the temple on the first terrace there is a relief of the Ramayana story. To be able to read to follow directions prasawiya, starting from the northwest corner. In the second round the terrace wall relief sculptures filled the grooves Krçnayana story plot can be followed in circumambulation (clockwise). While on the porch to three such reliefs of dragons and winged lion. The third terrace looks almost square, the walls berpahatkan winged lion statues and dragon wings. head slightly up to the front while the back legs dakam winged lion crouched position was elevated to the front foot.

candi induk penataran
IMAGE: Candi Induk Penataran

On the southwest side of the page there are two remaining buildings. A small temple of rock collapsed not long ago by the Dutch who first called the "klein heligdom" or small Bathara. It seems that these temples were originally made ​​with the parasasti Pratistha Palah through the ceremony. A remnant of the others in the form of a brick foundation. Both the rest of the building facing the southwest. A row with the rest of the buildings stands a stone phallus called Inscription Palah. In this area there is also a complex enshrinement pond framed in 1337 Saka or 1415 AD which is located behind the temple southeast.
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page B Penataran Temple

Entering the second page of the Temple Penataran, we are greeted by two statues Dwaraphala smaller in size than Dwaraphala temple entrance. As the statue Dwaraphala at the entrance, it was Dwaraphala also sculpted the statue base year figures, written in 1214 Saka or 1319 AD, a year older than Dwaraphala at the entrance, as well as in the time of King Jayanegara. Page B is divided into two parts by a brick wall that ran towards enshrinement in the middle of the page. The wall is now only the foundations are still visible. In the northeast there are six remaining buildings of stone and brick. Three live the rest of the foundation of the brick, two in the form of shelf and another form of temples without a cover on it. The first shelf is made of stone bricks mixed with a size greater than only a special shelf made of stone.

On the inside pages Dragon Temple B are the only remaining parts of the legs and body with a width of 4.83 meters long, 6.57 meters high and 4.70 meters. Dragon Temple name used to designate the building as a dragon wrapped around the body of the temple and supported figures or figures such as kings candrasengkala nine pieces, each located at the corners of the building, the walls and in the middle third and the left sebekah right of the entrance, depicting the heavenly beings seen from wearing clothes and ornaments. One hand holding the bell (buzzer ceremony) and the other hand supporting the body dragon wrapped around the top of the building in a state building standing and pilasters. Each wall of the temple is decorated with reliefs made called medallion motif. The entrance to the temple is located in the northwest of the cheek tumpal staircase adorned with width 4.83 meters long, 6.57 meters high and 4.70 meters. In front of a dragon has been submitted that the prop 9 people this implies a moon sengkala "grandiose sinangga Dragon creature" which means the figure in 1208 Saka or 1286 AD future Kertanegara government.

candi naga
image: Candi Naga

Still in the page B, there is a foundation of brick were impressed facing southwest, known from the field extends into the southwest side and form an entrance. Its location is situated in the east of the temple. The southwest there are two remaining buildings, which is a foundation of bricks measuring 10 x 20 meters and another housed a square that has the same characteristics with one of the foundations in the northeast. At the west corner of this page there is a set threshold regardless of the original building. In the doorways that some of them contain the number of years that can still be read clearly, that in 1245 Saka, 1294 Saka, Saka 1295, and two more are framed in the same Saka 1301. There are two statues Dwarapala again with the figure in 1242 Saka is located at the entrance to the third page which may be a gate Paduraksa, because near it are the ruins of a door which dates to the year 1240 Saka.

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Page C Penataran Temple

Go into page A, which previously went down the steps to begin with, the visitors were greeted by two statues guard the door (Dwaraphala) which dates to the year 1242 Saka or 1320 AD sculpted the statue, called Reco local community clubs. Based on the number of years that there are carvings on both the statue pedestal, scholars conclude that the temple buildings Palah (real name Candi Penataran) inaugurated a new state (state temple) during his reign King Jayanegara of Majapahit, although still a freelance dharma. East two aca there are remnants of the gate made ​​of red brick.

dwarapala candi penataran
image: Dwarapala Candi Penataran

a. Bale Agung
Through the former gate, came to the forefront of the temple Pantaran, Bale Agung. The building site is located in the northwest part of page A, position slightly jutted forward. The building made ​​entirely of stone, didingnya still innocent and had four ladders, two located on the southeast side, so that this building impressed facing southeast. While the other two located on the northeast side and southwest impressed as the stairs to the door samping.Pada Diding north and south there are two steps of the east side of the wall that divides into three parts. Bale Agung Surroundings ridden body building by the dragon. Dragon head sticking out on the right and left of the building. Each statue guards the stairs going up there in the form of statues of Mahakala. Bale Agung building measuring 37 meters long, 18.84 meters wide and 1.44 meters high. At the top there is the court that each corner-stone base was extolled as a fulcrum estimated wooden poles used for the roof of the building. Building function by NJ Krom Bale Agung in Bali as well be used for a discussion of the priests or pendanda.

b. Pendopo Terrace
Building site is located in the southeast of the building Bale Agung. The verandah terrace consists entirely of stone, rectangular with a size 29.05 mx 9.22 mx 1.5 m. Estimated verandah patio is used as a place to put offerings in religious ceremonies or order of the king and other nobles. On the west side there are two stairs up in the form of the steps, the steps are not continuing the eastern wall. In each corner of the stairs go to the left and right cheek stairs are small statues of winged giant with legs bent at the knee of his legs and one hand holding a mace. Cheek shaped stair parts ukel tumpal beautiful large ornate.

relief sri tanjung
image: Relief Tanjung Candi Penataran

Building verandah patio framed in 1297 Saka or 1375 AD. The location of this year's sculpture is rather difficult to find due to mingle with ornaments in the form of vine leaves, located at the top of the seam side of the east wall. As the Bale Agung, patio verandah patio also wrapped a snake whose tail mutual berbelitan, his head sticking up between the pillars of the building. Head a little snake looked up, wearing necklace and tasseled. On the wall there is a patio verandah reliefs that tell the story of the Bubuksah-handle aking known in folklore Sheikh Sheikh Bela-speckle and Dami aking, the Setyawan and Sri Tanjung. The story goes like this, Bhuksa a creature described as a large man, like eat anything, sincere and never sleep. While the handle aking, emaciated, like fasting and also likes to sleep. One day Lord Shiva turns into a white tiger in order to test the two men. Response from aking handle "my skinny guy, but I do not eat my friends ate it" while Bhuksa "please eat me alone". In Bhuksa pass the exam and she then goes to heaven. Lessons to be learned from the story of the man must be sincere in this life.

c. Temple Figures Year
Figures Year temple framed in 1291 Saka or 1369 AD. East Java community get to know the temple which is the mascot of the temple UB Upgrading and is also used as a symbol kodam V UB. Sometimes there is also a call for Ganesha temple in the temple chamber there is a statue of Ganesha. Locations temple located in the southeast of the building the pavilion terrace within about 20 meters. The entrance to the temple is located at the western end on the cheek ladder ukel great shape with decoration tumpal flowers in the form of an isosceles triangle arrangement. The interior of the temple there is a niche of a stone statue of Ganesha in a sitting position on the Padmasana. At the top of the stone temple room closing the lid there is a relief "Surya Majapahit" the circle surrounded by rays in the form of straight lines in the arrangement of several pieces of an isosceles triangle. Relief Surya Majapahit also found in several other temples in East Java is in a slightly different variations as a sign of royal stamp.

candi angka tahun
image: Candi Angka Tahun

Figures Year temple like most other temple buildings, consists of parts called the foot of the temple which is the lower part of the temple, and the temple, there is a booth or room temple (gerbagerha) and then crown a cube-shaped building. On the crown there is a festive decoration and on each wall of the temple there are alcoves or niches that form pseudo door at the top there is the head of the creature that looks scary. Head of the creature is called the head of the East Java when often called Banaspati which means king of the jungle or also can be called a lion or tiger. Placement on the head when the temple niches intended to scare evil spirits that dare not enter complex enshrinement. Meanwhile, at around the building there are the remains of a brick wall who live bottom with the entrance on the northwest side. The buildings on the first page is made entirely of andesite stone. Except for two bricks laid out the foundation of the rectangle, located in the northeast of the temple figures this year. On the left temple are statues of female figures in Rajapatni.

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history of the penataran temple

The temple is situated in the village Upgrading Upgrading, sub Nglegok, Blitar regency, East Java, Indonesia. Its location at the foot of Mount Kelud, making the temple area Upgrading air cool. Upgrading temple is the largest temple complex and the most well preserved in the province of East Java, Indonesia.
The temple is the temple Upgrading rich with various shades of reliefs, statues, and a Hindu-style structures. The existence of Kala sculpture (a giant grin), statues Ganesya (god of science in Hindu mythology), statues Dwarapala (giant statue guards the gate), as well as relief of Ramayana is conclusive evidence that upgrading Temple is a Hindu temple.
Inscription Palah contained in the temple area Penataran reported that this temple was built around the year 1194, during the reign of the king who ruled the kingdom of Kadiri Syrenggra, and finished in the kingdom of Majapahit. Thus this temple through the three great kingdoms that Archipelago Kadiri, Singasari, and Majapahit. Upgrading temple holds an important role for these kingdoms, namely the removal of the king's place and a place for worship ceremony to the Creator.
Various studies by historians to ancient texts, the book written Negarakertagama Prapanca MPU, for example, explained that the temple Upgrading is highly respected by the kings and the royal officials in East Java. Upgrading temple never store ashes of the king Rajasa (Ken Arok) Singasari royal founder, and also the ashes of the king Kertarajasa Jayawardhana (Raden Wijaya) the founder of the kingdom of Majapahit. Even supposedly, according to local folk legend, the sacred oath Gajah Mada Mahapatih to unite the whole archipelago under the Majapahit rule, known as the "Palapa Oath", spoken in the temple Upgrading.
Location: Upgrading Ds, KEC Nglegok, Kab Blitar, Prop East Java, Indonesia
GPS Coordinates: 8 ° 00'59 .06 "S 112 ° 12'34 .90" E
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