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the legend of "NYAI RORO KIDUL"


Who does not recognize the figure of mythical or legendary Nyi Roro Kidul Queen of the South Seas. In Indonesia's his history even mythical stories is still in great demand by the people of Indonesia, especially the lovers of folklore mythology. Myths about its own existence, each region especially in West Java, Central Java and Bali have their respective versions. Not only the version of the story, but its a different ritual. Among the Sundanese people developed the notion that the Queen of the South is the incarnation of a princess Pajajaran who committed suicide in the southern ocean since being expelled by his family because he was suffering from a disease that made the rest of the family shame. In the past, there lived a beautiful princess named Kadita. Goddess Kadita was the son of King Munding Wangi, King of the Kingdom of Pajajaran While the king has a beautiful daughter, she is always sad because she was always hoping to have a boy. The king was then married to Dewi Mutiara, and get a son from the marriage. So, bahagialah the king. Mutiara Dewi wants his son later became king upon his throne without a challenger, and he was trying to get rid of the Goddess Kadita. Then Goddess Pearl came to the king, and asked the king to send his daughter away from the palace. Of course the king refused. King said that he was not going to let anyone who wants to be rude to her daughter. In the morning, before sunrise, Mutiara Dewi sent aides to call a charlatan fortune-teller. He wants the shaman meneluh or condemn Kadita, his stepson. The shaman obey the queen. In the evening, the body Kadita been met with scabies and itching. When she woke up, she realized her body was filled with foul-smelling ulcers. The beautiful princess was crying and did not know what to do. When the king heard the news, he became very sad and invited many physician to cure his daughter. She realized that her illness was not fair, someone must have cursed or to use-gunainya. The problem becomes more complex when the Queen Dewi Mutiara forced him to drive his daughter because they will bring bad luck for the whole country. Because King did not want his daughter to gossip around the country, he finally agreed with Ratu Mutiara forced to send his daughter out of the country. Almost seven days and seven nights he walked until we came to the Southern Ocean. He looked at the ocean. The water is clean and clear, unlike other ocean water is blue or green. Suddenly he heard a voice that told him magical foray into the South Sea. He jumped into the water and swim. Suddenly, when the Southern Ocean water touched his skin, miracles happen. Sores disappeared and there was no sign that she had scabies or itching. Instead, she became more beautiful than before. Not only that, he now has the power in the Southern Ocean and became a goddess called Nyi Rara Kidul live forever. Palabuhanratu Coast region specifically associated with this legend. Ports Queen herself not just in Sukabumi attractions, but also as a place for a special ritual for the Queen. Especially at Ocean Beach Harbor Queen, right in room 308 for a room has been prepared by the hotel because they believe that the Queen always visit this room. In the room is dominated by the color green is said believed to be the favorite color of the queen in which there is some painting floral painting maestro Indonesia, Basuki Abdullah. Beautiful painting believed to depict the queen's appearance reportedly has its own magical value. This room is furnished with a dressing table that contains the makeup woman favored by the queen. Rooms with green netting is also equipped with a host of offerings such as flowers, fruits, and foods. Typically these offerings given by the visitors who come to seek blessings from the queen room. At the Port of the Queen herself, every day there is a series of rituals in addition to the queen's visit to the room, they also go to the ocean to soak their bodies, it has been said by soaking them will get peace of life. There is also a sea alms ritual, this ritual is a series of events throw offerings into the sea. The offerings are disposed in the form of food, flowers, and all objects that favored the queen. In a series of charity events this sea conducted several ceremonies such as dances and other ceremonies. Ritual marine charity is meant to express their gratitude for the harvest of seafood that is abundant in their area.
In older versions of the Java community, it is not known exactly when the legend is growing in the community. However, the story of the mystical ruler southern ocean is highly trusted by the two large palaces in Central Java, as in the palace of Yogyakarta Sultanate and Surakarta palace Kasunanan. Both coordination Islamic Mataram kingdom is believed that the queen is the spiritual wives of the kings of both the palace. In Jogjakarta, the palace presents three sacred spot in the Coastal region Parangkusumo Yogyakarta, Bantul and Paranggupita Beach. In the region of Surakarta palace has Sanggabuwana stage is believed to be the place where the lord of the sea frolic with the king of the south Kasunanan Surakarta. This is where people say, snag queen comes with a performance as a young and beautiful woman while in life and on the full moon, but gradually aging and bad moon on the way to death. In Javanese society's belief that the queen has a loyal servant called Nyai Roro Kidul so, between Nyai da Nyi Nyi turned out differently if the queen but Nyai was maid of the queen snag. Nyi Rara Kidul or sometimes called Nyi Kidul Lara was very fond of all things green, for that every visitor on beaches along Java forbidden to wear or use anything that mengangung green elements, because the queen will reportedly attract people and took it out to sea. If, the person reportedly dragged into the sea, no one person that can help to save the person. From the story of the queen, meaning it attracts visitors who wear green clothes is to serve the Queen in the royal army that supposedly lives in the ocean floor. Another story of Nyi Roro Kidul a grand figure of the venerable and respected in Javanese mythology. Because people know a Javanese term "telu-teluning atunggal" is three beings into one force. Namely, Grandmother Resi Projopati, Panembahan Senopati, and Queen of South. Panembahan is the founder of the Islamic Mataram kingdom, which is met by the Queen of the South when Sunan Kalijaga bertiwikrama appropriate referrals to fulfill the divine being received to build a palace formerly a forest as "Alas Mentaok" (now Kotagede in Yogyakarta). In the process of penance, told all of nature into chaos, big waves, rain storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. Queen of South agreed to help and protect the kingdom of Mataram, and even believed to be a "spiritual wives" for the Kings Islamic Mataram dynasty. Understanding of relevant authorities should be straightened southern ocean. Because the "Rara the South" and "Queen of the South" is different. Yet it is a common understanding that it is the same figure. In Javanese belief, the belief Javanese Hindu-influenced and has mixed some elements of Islam, the Javanese mythology, the natural life is divided into several Phase. The first stage is a natural Kadewan, the second is the nature of the Prophet, the third is the nature Wali, the fourth realm Menungsa (Human) and the future is natural Fair. In Javanese mythology, Queen of the South is a creation of God Kaping telu which then fills the realm of life as the Goddess of Rice (Dewi Sri) and other natural goddess. While Rara Kidul a daughter of the King of Sunda displaced by the father alone as its own act of his stepmother and then transformed into a figure of authority in the southern ocean after jumping in the southern ocean. And the story relates the "Queen of the South" with "Rara the South" can be said to vary according to the phase of the life stages of Javanese mythology. For breeding ritual or against the queen of Java is to dikeramatkannya Friday night and Tuesday kliwon. Right on the beach Parangkusuma and Cepuri the ceremony, a ceremony conducted on Friday evening and Tuesday kliwon the ritual fasting for 40 days Wage dimilai on Wednesday and Thursday Pon. When the people of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas perform rituals at Sela Sengker (Cepuri region) there are three porters believed by the perpetrators of ritual. Those who wait Sela Sengker (small stones) is Mbok Rara Kidul as maid Queen of South. Mbok Nyi Roro Kidul is Vice Queen of the South or Gusti Kanjeng Queen of South, as the ruler of the southern sea. According to the Kuncen or caretaker of the area is the RP Suraksotarwono people who perform this ritual are those who through shortcuts in achieving what they want. For example, in the case of fortune or a mate. That's according to their belief that the Java community is still very much in their Javanese tradition. While they say the South is Mbok Rara countrymen sedangka jin queen Nyi Rara Kidul is the exalted ruler of the sea. In a tradition that goes back generations, after pilgrims perform prayers in stone sengker, all offerings are dedicated to Gusti Kanjeng Queen of South Beach it will dilabuh Parangkusumo a distance of 300 meters south Cepuri. Along with the changing times and the demands of the economy, ritual Friday night and Tuesday POND POND seemed to lose his soul, because it just sort of became a tradition only. Even in the 1980s began the tradition of Friday night and Tuesday POND kliwon as would only be a place for public economic activities such as tourism, or kegiata sale because when there are a lot of activities diberlamgsungkannya rituals like performing arts and even a kind of impromptu markets or fairs around the area ritual. While it is a hotel in Yogyakarta is Queen of South in coastal Parangtritis meneydiakan 33 rooms specially for the Queen as a form of breeding them to Kanjeng Queen of South.

Between historical and mystical stories that make the archipelago as well as lovers of folklore much like the story of the queen ruling the south. Historical have different versions that can be used as part of the historical legend of Indonesia in the tourism industry can be used as a heritage tourism or tourism heritage as can be seen in the harbor queen. As well as a strong mystical spices mystery that attracts many inspired some horror stories Verita in Indonesia as well as a very strong curiosity of the tourists. I personally was very unique legend reads legend southern sea queen own horizon of our knowledge will open with several aspects such as in terms of culture, legends, and mystical stories about the life of a particular society. So do not look at the mystical legend of the mystery story but also to learn the origins of the story as our knowledge of the folklore collections nationwide.

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